
Fall Alert Detector: Do You Love Your Grandmother? Get It!

I want to tell you a real story. Currently my grandma treated in the hospital. Two weeks ago, she felt in the bathroom and hit outer edge bath. More than two hours she could not move and no one knew about it.

My grandma lives with my aunt. The incident happened when my aunt were out of the house. In fact, my grandma's house location is far enough from the nearest neighbor's house. After the incident, she I can not speak anymore. She was exposed to quite severe stroke. Since that I realize the importance of a tools or device that can send an alert to warn us if there is someone who fells in a room or other place and automatically contact the emergency call center that has been set previously. It should be working 24 hours a day.

Thanks God that now there is tool that function as a medical alarm that work in accordance with the desires I mentioned above. I have no worry anymore even though there is no one in the house to oversee my grandma.

If you try to check it in the internet, actually this is not the only tool or device that you should have. There is a device called GPS Tracking Bracelet, which has function as a 2-way speakerphone and can show the exact position of your grandmother. It can make sure that she is in or outside a specific area and her presence can continue to be watched.

Please do not think twice to get it ... if you think this is the best for your lovely one.

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7 komentar:

  1. duh... saya jd inget sama grandmother... udah meninggal wkt saya masih kecil... sayang banget ma saya... hiks.. semoga arwah beliau tengan disisi Allah SWT

  2. i love my mother very much!
    i love my mother very much!
    i love my mother very much!

  3. wah... jd inget nih ma grandmother

  4. Very usefull, i think i must get one, but not for my grandmother, may ber for my father.

    thanks for the information

  5. Hi.., nice ur post. Keep share friend :-D

  6. I visit U again.., ur blog have the information contain is good .. Keep share :)


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